Our Sport Science services are overseen by our Exercise Physiology team to provide Coaches and Athletes with specific data to guide daily training and produce specific physiological adaptations. Our aim is to provide Amateur to Elite Athletes with the data required to improve training and racing performance.
Sports Science
Cycling Performance
If you’re a cyclist, no matter your age, experience or competitive level, you’ll get better results and more enjoyment from your rides if you train and compete based on your individual physiological capabilities. Understanding the most effective training zones for you, should not be left to chance.
Max Aerobic Power Testing
Profiling an athlete's ability to produce power over a range of training zones. This graded maximal protocol is used to track an athlete's aerobic performance over time. From this testing athletes are able to individualise training zones and estimate their FTP and VO2max.
Athlete Testing
Holistic approach to profiling an athlete. Testing includes Maximal Aerobic Power Testing, Skin Folds, and Trunk & Hip Strength Assessment. This battery of testing enables an athlete to individualise training zones, estimate FTP and VO2max, and highlight areas to address off the bike to further improve performance on it.
Lactate Threshold Testing
Profiling blood lactate determines an athlete's aerobic and anaerobic threshold. Accurately measuring an athlete's power and heart rate at steady state helps to plan precise training and racing strategies which are important for endurance events. Athletes are provided with accurate power and heart rate zones based on their threshold.
Running Performance
If you’re a runner, no matter your age, experience or competitive level, you’ll get better results and more enjoyment from your runs if you train and compete based on your individual physiological capabilities. Understanding the most effective training zones for you, should not be left to chance.
Aerobic Capacity Testing
Profiling an athlete's ability to use oxygen efficiently while running. This graded maximal protocol helps to track aerobic performance over time by determining their heart rate at different speeds. From this testing athletes receive an individualised pace and heart rate intensity guide for different running sessions targeted at improving their aerobic capacity.
Athlete Testing
Holistic approach to profiling an athlete. Testing includes Aerobic Capacity Testing, Skin Folds, and Trunk & Lower Body Strength Assessments. The battery of testing provides not only an individualised pace and heart rate guide for training but also a profile on physical strength and dietary weaknesses that need to be addressed away from running to optimise overall running performance.
Lactate Threshold Testing
Profiling blood lactate determines an athlete's aerobic and anaerobic threshold. Accurately measuring an athlete's pace and heart rate at steady state helps to plan precise training and racing strategies which are important for endurance events. Athletes are provided with accurate running pace and heart rate zones based on their threshold.
Our Exercise Physiologists
Precision Athletica Exercise Physiologists are very experienced and have all worked with top level athletes, that said, they are not exclusively just available to elite athletes, so if you would like to work with an Exercise Physiologist that has great experience and a proven track record, please do contact us.
To find out more about working with any of Precision Athletica’s highly regarded Exercise Physiologists, please call the centre on 02 9764 5787.
Online Bookings – should you wish to book online, please click on either of the staff profile photos above any you will be redirected to their individual bio and online booking pages.