Sport Training


We bring together the experience of all our multi-disciplined team to create an individualised training program specifically for you and your goals.

Avoid confusion and schedule a call with us so that we can help answer any of your questions and explain how we might be able to help you.


At Precision Athletica, the Sydney sports physios on hand will provide a clear diagnosis of your injury or physical complaint so you can understand what’s causing it.

From there, the priority is to address each of the factors contributing to the injury in the first place. This will help ensure the same injury doesn’t keep coming back or start causing other issues.

Once your injury is resolved, our aim is to help you get the most out of your training and perform better in your chosen sport. Much like a racing car has mechanics to keep it running at its best, our sports physios will be an integral part of your team, working with your other coaches to ensure you are constantly in the best condition to train and compete.


Exercise physiology is the pro-athlete’s secret weapon and is used to solve any biomechanical, movement pattern or stability faults. Your physiologist will help address musculoskeletal injuries, conditions and dysfunction, filling the space between mobility (physiotherapy) and performance (strength and conditioning).

The result of this attention to detail is a keen awareness of your body’s movement patterns plus an understanding of how to avoid serious injury and perform at your best.


Strength & Conditioning forms an integral component of Precision Athletica’s service to athletes.

Our in-house trainers focus on supporting and facilitating the training and competition performance of our athletes in a way that optimises performance and minimises the risk of injury.

Each athlete’s programs are tailored to meet their specific needs. All programs designed and implemented by Strength & Conditioning staff are based on consultation with coaches, sports scientists and sports medicine staff.


If you’re putting 100% into your training and recovery without being mindful of what you’re feeding your body, chances are you’re not maximising your athletic potential.

Making smart nutrition choices can be the critical factor determining whether you reach your body composition, strength, performance and recovery goals.

How athletes fuel themselves is a major component of the Precision Athletica model. Our team of dietitians will educate and guide you in developing sustainable nutrition choices that will help you achieve your athletic goals, reduce the risk of injury and speed up recovery.


Mindflow is an integral part of Precision Athletica’s performance model and focuses on the mental side of performance, including the development of self-awareness, managing nerves, building confidence, psyching up and much more.

As an athlete’s skill level rises, Mindflow becomes more and more important. Ask an elite athlete and they will tell you that on any given day they are competing in fields where 10 per cent or more of the competitors have the ability to win. This makes mental readiness and toughness a major determining factor in the success of the athlete.

Our sport psychologists work with sportspeople from elite athletes to rising stars and so-called ‘weekend warriors’, showing them how to perform even better by developing their mental skills.


It takes an integrated approach for anyone to reach peak performance. With the help of the team at Precision Athletica, you will improve your results and achieve your goals.

Before you get started, let’s have a chat to find out how we can help you recover from injury, build your fitness and achieve your next personal best.

Based at Sydney’s Olympic Park Athletic Centre in Homebush, we work with anyone who is passionate about their training and who wants to see how far they can go in their chosen sport, no matter their level.

Our 15-minute discussion will cover:

✓ Your goals as a sportsperson and how we can achieve them

✓ Your current training, competition and general weekly schedule

✓ What has and hasn’t worked for you to date

✓ How our services can help you achieve more from every training session

✓ What we think your next steps should be