Precision Athletica Membership FAQs

Precision Athletica Membership FAQs

Welcome to your new membership at Precision Athletica, we’re delighted to have you on board and we’re looking forward to doing everything we can to help you achieve your goals.

So that you can put all of your focus into your training, treatment and development, we have provided answers below to the most frequently asked membership questions that we have seen come up in the past.

Your Precision Athletica membership starts as soon as you return your completed membership form to us, or if you have specified a specific start date on your membership form, your membership will commence on that date.

Yes, you will.

All new members will receive two correspondences from us upon signing up as a new Precision Athletica member – an email linking to these most frequently asked questions, along with a second email that will come from one of our great Customer Support Team, including a copy of your signed membership form.

Life happens and we fully accept that changes to your schedule will occur, causing you to need to adjust booked sessions at Precision Athletica.

All we ask is that you provide six hours notice and call us on: 02 9764 5787, so that we can assist in changing your booking to a different time on the same day, or a different day subject to availability.

We’re sure you understand why we require the notice period, however put simply it’s to ensure that our teams schedule can be reopened and other athletes benefit from booking the session, not leaving our team with unused training and treatment blocks.

Where possible we will try to accomodate missed sessions and you should work this through with your trainers, so that they can help plan where the sessions should be booked in order to best support your overall training or treatment plan.

As our memberships are billed in two week cycles, it is possible to schedule your allocated sessions across the two week block in order to allow you increased flexibility.

Precision Athletica memberships have been designed to be fluid in order to best support you in achieving your desired development outcomes, in a time frame that matches your goals.

As such it is possible to move up and down between the membership categories depending on your current training and/or treatment phase – this is best done in consultation with the team, however as an example it is very common for Silver members to move up to Gold when they want to fast track their development and/or prep for an upcoming event.

If you wish to move category, you simply need to complete a new membership form available at Precision Athletica or upon request via email to our Customer Support Team, stating your new membership level and the desired commencement date.

After you return your new membership form to Precision Athletica or our Customer Support Team, you will receive a confirmation email back, confirming the change.

Please be aware that you can’t retrospectively change membership categories, changes can only take effect from the date the new form is returned, or a future date specified at that time.

One of the most popular features of the Precision Athletica membership is our flexibility to allow you to put your membership on hold during such events as your upcoming tournament schedule or holidays. This means that you will not be charged during these planned periods of absence.

In order to put your membership on hold, please complete and return one of the membership hold forms available at Precision Athletica, or email our Customer Support Team to request one.

As soon as our Customer Support Team has received your completed hold form (listing both a start and end date for the hold period), they will email you a confirmation of the period that you will not be charged due to your planned absence from the centre.

Obviously this unique and flexible approach is to cater for planned periods of leave, so we do require a two week notice period between receiving your completed hold form and the requested hold start date, that being provided, we will take care of the rest and ensure that your membership payments are put on hold for the correct periods, as identified via your requested hold start and end date.

Our memberships are billed two weeks in arrears and this is done to allow us to deduct any health fund payments from your membership fee.

In other words, if you are on a Gold Membership (three session per week) at $249 per week, but you receive $30 per session back from your health fund, at the end of the two week period we will know to deduct $180 (six sessions x $30 per session rebate) from your $498 fortnightly membership fee, meaning that you will see a payment come out of your account for $318.

The billing cycle that we work on, runs from the Monday of the first week in the period, through to the Saturday of the second week, with payments being processed on the Wednesday of the following week.

Please be aware that due to health fund regulations, rebates are only available on  Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology and Nutrition sessions.

This will be a sad day, but should the time come that you wish to end your membership, please simply complete and return our membership cancellation form, available from Precision Athletica or via email request to our Customer Support Team.

Like most memberships, and to fit with our billing cycle, we require a two week notice period for membership cancellations, and upon receiving your completed form, our Customer Support Team will email you a confirmation of your end date and when the final membership payment will come out of your account factoring in our ‘in arrears’ payment cycle.

As all initial Precision Athletica memberships are for a minimum period of ten weeks, this means that you can’t cancel inside the first ten weeks, or you can leave inside the first ten weeks but you will need to pay out the full period, excluding any hold periods.

Note, should you wish to only do a ten week membership block, please make sure to return to us a membership cancellation form prior to your eighth week.

Yes you can. A receipt for membership can be provided if you email the Customer Support Team to request one:

Further questions?

Our Customer Support Team is here to make your life as easy as possible during your Precision Athletica membership. The team loves hearing from members and is always ready to help answer any questions that you might have.

Please feel free to reach out via phone or email – no question is a bad question!

Phone: 02 9764 5787