Joe Marincel

Joe Marincel

Joe Marincel



Joe has been passionate about sports from a young age. As a player, he competed in numerous different codes, ranging from tennis and basketball, through to soccer and touch football.

His passion has always been Tennis and as such this was his primary past time, playing at a competitive amateur level during his teenage years.

Professionally as a physiotherapist, Joe’s expertise lie in finding the true cause of an athlete’s injury and through effective treatment being able to further improve their performance to achieve and surpass their goals.

This year Joe has started his Masters of Sports Physiotherapy at La Trobe University to further his clinical knowledge and looks forward to working closely with all of the athletes, coaches and support teams at Precision Athletica.

5 questions to get to know Joe better?

Sporting Idol: Kobe Bryant
Sporting Highlight: Watching Arsenal FC live  
If he wasn’t a Physio he would be: Travelling the world
Family: Only child
Guilty Pleasure: Playing FIFA on PS4!