Golf Australia’s National Camp in Houston

Along with heading the highly successful Precision Athletica Golf Program in conjunction Golf NSW and Jack Newton Junior Golf, our lead Golf Physio Matt Green also consults to Golf Australia and the Australasian PGA Tour.

In his role with Golf Australia, Matt recently flew out to Houston to be a part of their HP National Camp, an initiative that first started in 2011 and is now a key week in many top travelling Australian golfer’s schedules.

“This is the seventh year of the camp and again it provided our Australian athletes – both professional and amateur – a platform to not only check in with their coaching team, but also to refresh and reconnect with other Australian athletes,’ Brad James (Golf Australia High Performance Director) said.

“I think we sometimes forget most of the athletes are teenagers and they want to enjoy life off the golf course as much as they do when they’re on it.

“The camp provides an elite training venue for the athletes to prepare and refresh for their upcoming tournaments, but also evening social activities around Top Golf, shopping, seeing baseball games and general socialising with friends the athletes haven’t seen for a while.”

But, naturally, it’s not all fun and games.

With 10 athletes from NSW attending, Matt was not short of work and the week was a great chance to re-connect with both travelling Amateurs and Professionals such as Cam Davis who is currently plying his trade on the Canadian PGA Tour.

“Having such an intense period of one on one time, with little to no distractions, is ideally for making some pretty major changes in a very short period of time” said Matt Green.

Camp complete, Matt has now re-joined us at Athletica and the players are all pumped and ready to lay siege on some major upcoming tournaments such as the prized US Amateur Championship in two weeks!

To find out more about the work completed by the country’s leading golfers, or to book your own session with Matt, drop him an email at:

To read Golf Australia’s detailed review of the camp, click here.